Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Packing Night

We packed our team bags tonight and had a wonderful time. Please join me in thanking the Lord for Al & Mary Mendenhall, Bill & Sue Brody and Bob Devine for their help tonight. You guys and gals have been a great blessing to us all. Below Mary giving a quick farming lesson to Al, apparently a lesson with a bit of humor.

And Bill and Sue seem to be quite shocked at the numbers on the scale. Of course there's more humor because I'm the one being weighed.

Notice Bob in the background. In every picture Bob is working away taking care of all the details. Hard work and deep thought must go together.

Of course it wasn't all hard work. There was time for promoting a fine American product - Jell-O. I think Shelly is putting on the full-court sales pitch and Homer isn't buying. So much for her sales abilities.

I wonder how many U.S. citizens really think about Jell-O no-bake mixes. I can trot off to the local grocery store and pick up just about any food imaginable, including Jell-O no-bake mixes. Shoot most of the time I can have someone else cook dinner for me and even deliver it to my home. But this isn't the way most of the world lives. We complain and clamor about equality and lift this up as a great virtue, but do we really see world-wide equality in the 21st century?

I have so much, I need so little and yet dog gone it all if I don't horde for myself and fail to really live out world-wide equity. Thank you, thank you, thank you to all of our supporters who have sacrificially given so that we may inch closer to real equity in this world. I have been deeply touched by your generosity. You have brought the words, "that now at this time your abundance may supply their lack, that their abundance also may supply your lack" closer to home. Isn't it a simple yet profound truth that the right thing to do is for those with abundance to supply those who lack? I need to give Jell-O a little more thought.

Thankfully everything fit in the allotted containers and now we trust that it will arrive safely in Trinidad and on time. Here is what we started with just for the nursery:

So again, thanks to everyone who helped out tonight. Many hands made light work and each item was tenderly packed with loving care. You guys and gals are great. Be blessed.


At 5:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi there, I just found out you were keeping a blog of the trip--that's great! I suspect you won't have time to update obsessively as you are laboring, but I'll enjoy reading when you do. I'm going to print out your team photo and put it on my family's fridge as a prayer reminder :) Take care & God bless!

Jay Quant

Hi to the faces I recognize :)
(Alicia and Lisa)


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