My Bolivian Experience
The past few weeks have been crazy, filled with cancelled airplanes, eating grubs, sleeping at airports and getting a bit sick. They also have been filled with amazing love, kindness and the Holy Spirit. I found some of the most wonderful people in Bolivia. Upon leaving Trinidad I left a piece of my heart behind. As short as our visit was, I definitely felt some heart ache upon having to leave. (The lovely Bolivian serenade on our last night certainly didn’t help ease the pain).
I miss being in Trinidad; everything from the motos and the plaza, to the camps, singing and dancing, to the school staff and most importantly the children. I must admit that at first I had my doubts about this trip. Just silly worries about not getting along with the group, going alone, getting sick, etc… In the end all my doubt was washed away. The team this year was awesome and I miss everyone already!
My experience in Trinidad will last forever. Seeing the poverty that some people live in made me even more thankful for what I was raised with. On the other hand, it also made me feel like I’ve been selfish and helped me to want to give more to others. (Matthew 7:12) Out of poverty, the people in Trinidad were able to give us so much; so many good memories and so much happiness. God’s presence emanated through their pure Christian love.
I was saved when I was nine years old. I remember learning Bible verses as a kid, going to Sunday school and memorizing the books of the Bible, especially with my grandparents (Far Far and Far Mor). The past few years I could feel myself straying away from God. Not necessarily through doing bad acts, but just not rejoicing in Him or being as much of a Christian as I knew I should be. My Uncle Mark and Aunt Nancy suggested that I go on this trip in hopes that it would be somewhat of a life changing experience. That I would be able to see how greatly God can influence lives. Through this experience, I feel like I grew not only emotionally, but spiritually as well. Just seeing the people, hearing stories about their lives and hearing the testimonies of others got me fired up. There have been a lot of events in my life where God has shown his presence. At the time I didn’t always acknowledge those events as much as I should have as God’s work. Looking back, I realize that He’s always been looking out for me and has always played a great part in my life. It’s obvious that the hand of God is at work not only at La Palmera, but also in the town of Trinidad. Physically, Trinidad is kind of dirty- open sewers, trash on the streets, lots of poverty. Emotionally and spiritually, it’s the most beautiful place that I’ve ever been to. There’s so much love from the people- everyone is so open and honest. I have yet to find another place where everyone gives their love so freely and openly. In the whole time that I was there, I don’t think that I ever saw anyone fighting, being selfish or not getting along with one another. Not to say that it never happens, but in general (compared to most of the kids I’ve seen in America) the children at La Palmera seemed so much more lighthearted. They shared (50+ kids with one Nerf ball), entertained themselves (hard to find a kid in America who doesn’t constantly say that he or she is bored) and were so grateful just for hugs; for us being there with them.
In general, America is looked at as being time poor and money rich, while Bolivia is perceived as being time rich and money poor. Out of the two, I’d rather have more time. More time to be with family and friends. More time to glorify and serve God. More time to lend a helping hand and better my community. More time to live life to the fullest.
It’s still unclear to me as to what my purpose is on earth, though I will continue to ask for God’s guidance in whatever I do. One of my greatest prayers throughout the last couple of years has been about what I want to do with my life. Lately, I’ve felt a great desire for travel and a need to explore what the world has to offer. I’ve always wanted to help people. In Boulder, I’ve been volunteering as a foster parent (for kittens at a local animal shelter) and have also found joy in being a volunteer teaching English as a second language. I just finished two years at the University of Colorado and after changing my major at least four times, I think I’ve finally settled on sociology and possibly an unofficial minor in linguistics or art. I’m taking this fall/spring off to go to Sweden where I will be a nanny for a family and take a few classes. I’m hoping that taking some time off will help lead me to what I want to do in the future, though I will be praying about returning to Trinidad. I hope it is in God’s will that I’m able to return as a short term volunteer for at least a few months. Even in the short time that I was there, I felt so welcomed that it could have been like a second home.
Thank you Lucho and Lorna for everything you’ve done for us. There aren’t words to express my gratitude for all your love, support and hospitality. I’d like to thank Mark and Nancy for helping to soothe some of my desire to travel and leading me to my latest journey in Trinidad- Beni, Bolivia. I’d also like to thank the Minneapolis Team, especially Homer for all your hard work, along with Far Far, Jerry and Mary, and the rest of my family for all your support. I’m so thankful that I was able to be part of such a remarkable group of people. I’m thankful to God for this wonderful experience, thankful for all of your prayers and thankful for my new friends.
I will continue to pray that I will be able to return sometime in the future, hopefully next summer!
Dios te bendiga (God Bless), Sadie